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Is Early Neutering Best for Your Dog? Let's Dig Deeper

If you've been pondering whether to neuter your pup early or hold off a bit, you're not alone. Recent buzz about the risks associated with early neutering—especially joint disorders and cancers—has many of us scratching our heads.

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My Ovaries, My Choice: The Chronicles of Delaying My Spay Adventure

Read this blog, where we do our best to explain what a dog thinks of reproductive health! Trust us...the blog is more lighthearted than the picture! Read More

The Canine Catastrophe: What Happens if you Cut Off Your Dog's Hormones Prematurely?

Hey Dog Lover, Picture this: Your pup has is getting ready for her first heat. You're a well-meaning, albeit slightly misinformed, pet owner who decides...

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We Gave Away Over 200 Dog Chastity Belts During The Pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic has placed a financial strain on many dog owners. In the meantime, dogs continue to come in heat. Delay her Spay harness team helped families in need by giving away 207 of our dog chastity belt harnesses for free! Read More
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