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The WHY of Replacing an Under-Performing Product Line

Get Promoted: Sell a better dog diaper   Jake the Dog in Diaper by Pendleton Ward, 2014 When we have a product line that is not performing as expected, typically our immediate reaction is to find a suitable replacement product line for the upcoming release season. We don’t often ask WHY the product line is […]

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What Age Should A Puppy Be Spayed?

  What Age Should A Puppy Be Spayed? Spaying or neutering dogs provides a variety of health and behavior related benefits to the pets while allowing their owners financial reprieve in the form of averted medical bills. Here’s the million dollar question — what is the right time to have your puppy spayed?  Before you […]

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3 Different Uses For Doggy Diapers You May Not Have Known About

In today’s society, diapers for dogs are not uncommon or frowned upon for pet owners. Dog diapers can solve many problems in various stages of a dog’s life. Whether your dog is a new puppy or has aged greatly, a dog diaper will have multiple uses. These diapers will help your dog through some troubles […]

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Prevent Pet Stains from Ruining Your Furniture

One of the challenges of having pets is keeping them off your furniture. Even if they can get on the sofa or chair, you’ll want to protect it with a slipcover to prevent pet stains. If you don’t have access to a slipcover and prefer to take a chance, there are things you can do […]

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