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How Many Puppies Can One Female Dog Have in Her Lifetime?
CodeKnowledge Collaborator
Nov 06, 2017
You might be wondering how many puppies can a single female dog produce in her lifetime. The answer is one female dog and her babies can have over 67,000 puppies in a six-year time frame! That’s because a dog can have three litters a year with up to seven puppies per litter. That’s an alarming figure by any estimation and the reason why many people opt to have their pets spayed before puberty.
Alternatives to Spaying That are Safe and Effective
You don’t have to keep your pet under lock and key if you opt not to spay her right away. In fact, we offer a product that protects your dog from premature pregnancy. It’s what we lovingly refer to as a doggie chastity belt.
Your pet can go outdoors without you having to worry about the neighborhood dogs trying to get to her. Even if they do meet up with her somewhere, they won’t be able to get through the impenetrable mesh that makes up the anti-breeding harness.
Life can continue as usual in your household long after your dog has had her first heat cycle. You don’t have to worry about hurting her or changing her personality by making her get spayed while she’s still basically a pup herself. You can allow her to enjoy her youth without undergoing the trauma of having surgery.
Be Mindful of Your Pet’s Heat Cycle and Take Necessary Precautions
Prevent premature pregnancy in your young pet by being mindful of her heat cycle. Rather than take her to the veterinarian to get ‘fixed’ when she’s still growing, you can invest in an anti-breeding harness instead. It keeps male dogs from impregnating her while she is in heat. It can also be fitted with doggy diapers to keep messes minimal while you’re away from home.
Also published on Medium.
- breeding dogs, chastity belts, DIY Dog Diaper, DIY Dog Diapers, DIY doggie Diaper, Do It Yourself Dog Diapers, Dog Chastity Belt, Dog Health, dog in heat, dog spay, female dog, heat cycle., my puppy wellness, Puppies, puppy health info, puppy supplies, responsible puppy care, reusable dog diapers, washable dog diapers
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